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You are here: Our Work > Jurassic Coast Partnership Plan
Effective management of this landscape-scale World Heritage Site is achieved through the ongoing efforts of a great many people and organisations. The Jurassic Coast Partnership Plan sets out a shared vision and management framework for the Site, guiding partners and stakeholders in how to look after it.
The Partnership Plan is widely consulted on and the current version runs from 2020 to 2025. View or download the Partnership Plan using the links below.
Appendix 1 - Significance and description of the Site and Setting
Appendix 2 - Statement on the boundaries of the Site, and the World Heritage interests within them
Appendix 4 - Integration with UN sustainable Development Goals
The Partnership Plan is accompanied by a Delivery Plan, read more about the Delivery Plan here.
The production of the Partnership Plan was undertaken with advice from the Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is a designated committee of the Jurassic Coast Trust and is comprised of representatives from key stakeholders, as well as advisors from specialist areas.
The Jurassic Coast Trust and PAC invite all Jurassic Coast stakeholders to embrace the following values in our collective effort to protect, conserve, present, and transmit the Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site to future generations:
Advocate the global significance of the Jurassic Coast, England’s only natural World Heritage Site (WHS) and most important geological site
Protect and promote the unique geology, landscapes, and flora and fauna associated with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, and do our best to ensure that any development or changes to the WHS support net environmental gain
Collaborate in the development and delivery of projects and programmes to support the policies in the Partnership Plan
Develop and share research into issues about or affecting the Jurassic Coast, in particular, the earth sciences
Deliver specific actions relating to Aims and Policies in the Partnership Plan, either individually or in collaboration
Communicate with other stakeholders to keep all parties abreast of relevant work areas and priorities in order to seek collaborative opportunities
Celebrate and share the achievements and successes of the Jurassic Coast partners in delivering our shared goals for the WHS
Current Partnership Advisory Committee stakeholder representatives (in alphabetical order):
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Sally King, Visitor Tourism and Access Manager, Dorset AONB / Jurassic Coast Trust
Tom Munro, Dorset AONB Manager
Chris Woodruff, East Devon AONB Partnership Manager
Country Landowners and Business Association (CLA)
Clare James, Estates surveyor, Clinton Devon Estates
Will Langer, South West - Rural Surveyor, Country Landowners Association
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
Enid Williams, World Heritage Policy Advisor, DCMS, Devon County Council
Peter Chamberlain, Environment Manager, Devon County Council
Dorset Council
Bridget Betts, Environmental Advice Manager, Dorset Council
Rachel Shefford, Countryside and Tourism Officer, Dorset Council
Earth science specialists
Vincent May, Vice Chair of PAC , Emeritus Professor, Bournemouth University
Jonathan Larwood, geologist with Natural England specialising in palaeontological conservation
East Devon District Council
Charles (Charlie) Plowden, Service Lead for Countryside and Leisure
Environment Agency
Neil Watson, Coastal Engineer
Fossil Collecting community
David Sole, Fossil collector
Historic England
Henry Owen-John, Head of World Heritage, Historic England
Jurassic Coast Ambassadors
Norah Jaggers, Jurassic Coast Ambassador and member of Beer village Heritage
Jurassic Coast Trust
John Wokersien, Chair of PAC, Trustee of the Jurassic Coast Trust and Jurassic Coast Ambassador
Sam Scriven, Head of Heritage and Conservation, Jurassic Coast Trust
Lucy Culkin, CEO, Jurassic Coast Trust
Vicky Dewit, Museums Advisor-Bournemouth, Dorset Poole, Dorset Council
National Trust
Hannah Jefferson, General Manager, North West Dorset portfolio, National Trust
Natural England
Rob Lloyd, West Dorset Team Leader
South West Coast Path National Trail
Richard Walton, National Trail Officer
Visitor Centres
Maddy Pfaff, Head Ranger, Lulworth Estate
Previous management frameworks for the Jurassic Coast have provided a foundation for the ambition that the stakeholders share for the World Heritage Site. Policy frameworks have helped draw in funding for strategic projects and inspired action from national partners.
Read more about past achievements brought about as a result of the Site's World Heritage designation.
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